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  • One of the first Sichuanese to obtain an M.B.A., in the mid-1990s, Jia ran a thriving business in the massive metropolis of Chengdu when Santai local officials finally persuaded him to open Hongbei Technology in his old hometown.

    Field Of Dreams 2007

  • In the verdant Sichuan county of Santai, for instance, a little expertise can go a long way.

    Field Of Dreams 2007

  • With a population of nearly 1.5 million, Santai -- China's most populous agricultural county -- suffers from a tremendous shortage of arable land.

    Field Of Dreams 2007

  • It also appears that when male managers "really invest in a woman's career," as Beans did in Santai's rise within his organization, "they feel personally betrayed by a pregnancy." rss feed 2011

  • WorkLife Law adviser Calvert said Santai's story has many familiar elements. rss feed 2011

  • In October 2008, pregnant with her third child, Santai was terminated. rss feed 2011

  • Santai said her job wasn't eliminated; she trained the man who replaced her. rss feed 2011

  • When she told Fred Beans she was pregnant, "he got very upset," Santai said, describing the reaction of her boss, owner of a string of regional dealerships. rss feed 2011

  • Santai wound up contacting a lawyer, Craig Thor Kimmel of Kimmel & Silverman in Ambler, Pa. rss feed 2011

  • Cherie Santai, 40, of Perkasie, Pa., considers herself firm evidence that pregnancy discrimination remains a major issue in the workplace. rss feed 2011


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